The landlady of the Royal Oak at Leigh Sinton near Malvern claims she has been forced out by the unaffordable rent and financial demands imposed on her by pub company.
The Worcester News is reporting that Marston’s were demanding £24,000 in rent from Caroline Allton, including a £1000 rise on the previous year. Marston’s also sought to bill Ms Allton for £2600 bill to repair dilapidation caused by neglect under previous managers. Ms Allton feels the financial demands do not reflect her personal investment into the venue, which has led to a trebling of the pub’s trade under her tenure.
Ms Allton told the Worcester News, “They have not acknowledged the work we have done to transform this pub. The more money you make the more they want from you. I’m frustrated by the amount of work we have to do for little or no reward.”
According to the Worcester News, a Marston’s spokesman said, “We value the points raised and we are seeking to work through these with the tenant. This is a contractual issue that we will deal with the tenant directly.”
Darren Eden is the owner of the The Angel Hotel in Pershore, part of the Spirit Ventures group. He claims that pub companies need to think more long-term is their dealings with tenants.
“Our pub industry is in dire straits. It seems that many pub companies are often too motivated by short-term profit, which leads them to impose high rents and costs on tenants with no regard for the sustainability of the venue.
“Community pubs need to be preserved. Pub companies need to think long-term and act as partners with their tenants”.
The Angel Hotel is located in the centre of Pershore, and includes 15 bedrooms, an oak-panelled restaurant, and picturesque riverside gardens. It’s focus is on promoting the best of local produce, including sourcing its food from its own Farm, and working with local producers to create the exclusive Wobbly Angel Ale and Tipsy Angel Cider.