Our vision is to use our people and our influence to strengthen our local community. We believe we can be a positive force in Worcestershire by playing an active part in local networks and making real contributions to third sector organisations. How do we do it?

Spirit Ventures is based in Pershore, Worcestershire, and maintains strong links with local organisations and charities to maximise our local impact. We are a key local employer, with many of our ventures paying the Living Wage. The Angel Inn Hotel, our premier local venue, is at the heart of town events, not least the famous Pershore Plum Festival. We have links with local Rotary Clubs, the Royal British Legion, Pershore Volunteer Centre, Pershore Round Table, and others. Our staff are encouraged to take part in volunteer and charity work. Members of our team have also completed the Three Peaks Challenge and a 20 mile walk between Ledbury and Pershore to raise money for local causes. In 2019, we also took part in a Tough Mudder 5k to raise money for Mind, the Mental Health Charity. First Response Training also carries out free family first aid session to help spread first aid knowledge and save lives in our community.
We are forging positive relationships with a number of bodies in our local community. We are actively engaging with our local Rotary Club and Pershore Round Table to raise money for good causes. We worked with our local council to contribute to the community’s first Town Plan. We work closely with local events committees and nearby businesses to ensure we are working for the benefit of the whole town, not just our customers.
Spirit Ventures takes a common sense approach to the environment. We have recently completed our long-term project to make our operations as ‘paperless’ as possible, working with clients to use technology to cut our paper use down by 50%. Spirit Hospitality sources as much stock locally as possible to reduce food miles. We use vehicles designed to minimise their environmental impact. We have also initiated a long-term project to reduce our energy consumption, beginning with installing LED lighting throughout our buildings, and fitting new solar panels to provide clean energy for our head office.